The Diva’s Delightful Disco is a scripted musical journey touring the rooms of a virtual disco through visual and audio cues. This show stars the Diva Karen Cobb, an award winning singer songwriter and entertainer. This event is also a platform for non & for-profit groups & individuals to generate unlimited amounts of money by entering the Karaoke-athon or JustgoFundURself Singing Competitions showcased throughout the Diva’s show.
The Karaoke-A-Thon & JustgoFundURself are woven into this scripted cabaret show and is an innovative, original, intimate fundraiser that is used to create additional moneys for your organization thru pledges, ticket sells and ad revenue with minimal work and expense to you or your organization. You can create $1,000s of dollars from performing just one karaoke song while simultaneously bonding and branding your cause through the local community.
This show is designed to supplement the groups’ annual income by singing ONE KARAOKE SONG giving your organization the option to generate an unlimited amount of money thru pledges collected by the teams of 3-5 members or by the charities, individuals or organizations on behalf of the teams. In addition, this is a fun and memorable event with a minimal buy-in that you can easily and quickly recoup that will cover all the overhead and production expenses.
Kacey’s Karaoke Production will produce this bi-monthly event leaving it open to the charities to join multiple times throughout the season or whenever they are in need of creating extra funds. This will not interfere with their annual Galas or fundraisers, but add to them by keeping your organization’s name and cause relevant to the 1,000s of individuals this Karaoke-athon will touch over the course of the season.
Byron K. Bush
Tracy Williams
Gary Lee Wolf
Divas Delightful Disco will return for the 2020 spring season
Photos by Ron Lyon Photography -
Costumes by Zeke Ortiz - IG @zekeortiz1
On Piano Hansz -
Copywriter/Editor Kenyetta Smith -
Video Production by HS Marketing Solutions -